Isaiah 1:3

     3. (Jer 8:7).

      crib—the stall where it is fed (Pr 14:4). Spiritually the word and ordinances.

      Israel—The whole nation, Judah as well as Israel, in the restricted sense. God regards His covenant-people in their designed unity.

      not know—namely, his Owner, as the parallelism requires; that is, not recognize Him as such (Ex 19:5, equivalent to "my people," Joh 1:10, 11).

      considerattend to his Master (Isa 41:8), notwithstanding the spiritual food which He provides (answering to "crib" in the parallel clause).

Jeremiah 5:4-5

     4. poor—rather, "the poor." He supposes for the moment that this utter depravity is confined to the uninstructed poor, and that he would find a different state of things in the higher ranks: but there he finds unbridled profligacy.

     5. they have known—rather, "they must know." The prophet supposes it as probable, considering their position.

      but these—I found the very reverse to be the case.

      burst . . . bonds—set God's law at defiance (Ps 2:3).

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