Isaiah 14:30

     30. first-born of . . . poor—Hebraism, for the most abject poor; the first-born being the foremost of the family. Compare "first-born of death" (Job 18:13), for the most fatal death. The Jews, heretofore exposed to Philistine invasions and alarms, shall be in safety. Compare Ps 72:4, "Children of the needy," expressing those "needy in condition."

      feed—image from a flock feeding in safety.

      root—radical destruction.

      He shall slay—Jehovah shall. The change of person, "He" after "I," is a common Hebraism.

Micah 4:4

     4. sit every man under his vine, &c.—that is, enjoy the most prosperous tranquillity (1Ki 4:25; Zec 3:10). The "vine" and "fig tree" are mentioned rather than a house, to signify, there will be no need of a covert; men will be safe even in the fields and open air.

      Lord of hosts hath spoken it—Therefore it must come to pass, however unlikely now it may seem.

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