Isaiah 2:9

     9. mean—in rank: not morally base: opposed to "the great man." The former is in Hebrew, Adam, the latter, ish.

      boweth—namely, to idols. All ranks were idolaters.

      forgive . . . not—a threat expressed by an imperative. Isaiah so identifies himself with God's will, that he prays for that which he knows God purposes. So Re 18:6.

Isaiah 2:11

     11. lofty looks—literally, "eyes of pride" (Ps 18:27).

      humbled—by calamities. God will so vindicate His honor "in that day" of judgments, that none else "shall be exalted" (Zec 14:9).

Isaiah 2:17

     17. Repeated from Isa 2:11, for emphatic confirmation.

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