Isaiah 26:2

     2. Address of the returning people to the gates of Jerusalem (type of the heavenly city, Heb 12:22); (Ps 24:7, 9; 118:19). Antitypically (Re 22:14; 21:25, 27).

      righteous nation—that had not apostatized during the captivity. HORSLEY translates, "The nation of the Just One," namely, the Jews.

Isaiah 26:7

     7. uprightness—rather, "is direct," that is, is directed by God to a prosperous issue, however many be their afflictions in the meantime (as in the case of the Jewish exiles); the context requires this sense (Ps 34:19; Pr 3:6; 11:5), [MAURER]: thus "way" means God's dealings with the righteous (Ps 37:23).

      most upright— (De 32:4).

      dost weigh— (1Sa 2:3; Pr 5:21). Rather, "thou dost make plain and level" [MAURER], removing all obstacles (Isa 40:3, 4).

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