Isaiah 26:8-9

     8. way of thy judgments—We have waited for Thy proceeding to punish the enemy (Isa 26:9, 10) [MAURER]. HORSLEY translates Isa 26:7, 8, "The path of the Just One is perfectly even; an even road Thou wilt level for the Just One, even the path of Thy laws, O Jehovah. We have expected Thee."

      name . . . remembrance—the manifested character of God by which He would be remembered (Isa 64:5; Ex 3:15).

     9. With, . . . soul . . . I—literally, "I . . . my soul," in apposition; the faithful Jews here speak individually. The overthrow of the foe and the restoration of the Jews are to follow upon prayer on the part of the latter and of all God's people (Isa 62:1-4, 6, 7; Ps 102:13-17).

      in the night— (Ps 63:6; So 3:1).

      world . . . learn . . . righteousness—the remnant left after judgments (Ps 58:10, 11; Zec 14:16).

Jeremiah 29:12-14

     12. Fulfilled (Da 9:3, &c.). When God designs mercy, He puts it into the hearts of His people to pray for the mercy designed. When such a spirit of prayer is poured out, it is a sure sign of coming mercy.

      go—to the temple and other places of prayer: contrasted with their previous sloth as to going to seek God.

     13. (Le 26:40-42, 44, 45).

     14. to be found— (Ps 32:6; Isa 55:6).

      turn . . . captivity—play upon sounds, shabti . . . shebith.

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