Isaiah 33:1

     1. and thou—that is, though thou wast not spoiled—though thou wast not dealt treacherously with (see on Isa 24:16), thy spoiling and treachery are therefore without excuse, being unprovoked.

      cease—When God has let thee do thy worst, in execution of His plans, thine own turn shall come (compare Isa 10:12; 14:2; Hab 2:8; Re 13:10).

Isaiah 33:8-9

     8. broken . . . covenant—When Sennacherib invaded Judea, Hezekiah paid him a large sum to leave the land; Sennacherib received the money and yet sent his army against Jerusalem (2Ki 18:14, 17).

      despised—make slight of as unable to resist him (Isa 10:9; 36:19); easily captures them.

     9. (Isa 24:4).

      Lebanon—personified; the allusion may be to the Assyrian cutting down its choice trees (Isa 14:8; 37:24).

      Sharon—south of Carmel, along the Mediterranean, proverbial for fertility (Isa 35:2).

      Bashan—afterwards called Batanea (Isa 2:13).

      fruits—rather, understand "leaves"; they lie as desolate as in winter.

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