Isaiah 33:21

     21. there—namely, in Jerusalem.

      will be . . . rivers—Jehovah will be as a broad river surrounding our city (compare Isa 19:6; Na 3:8), and this, too, a river of such a kind as no ship of war can pass (compare Isa 26:1). Jerusalem had not the advantage of a river; Jehovah will be as one to it, affording all the advantages, without any of the disadvantages of one.

      galley with oars—war vessels of a long shape, and propelled by oars; merchant vessels were broader and carried sail.

      gallant—same Hebrew word as for "glorious," previously; "mighty" will suit both places; a ship of war is meant. No "mighty vessel" will dare to pass where the "mighty Lord" stands as our defense.

Isaiah 41:18

     18. Alluding to the waters with which Israel was miraculously supplied in the desert after having come out of Egypt.

      high places—bare of trees, barren, and unwatered (Jer 4:11; 14:6). "High places . . . valleys" spiritually express that in all circumstances, whether elevated or depressed, God's people will have refreshment for their souls, however little to be expected it might seem.

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