Isaiah 35:6-7

     6. leap—literally, "fulfilled" (Ac 3:8; 14:10).

      sing—joyful thanksgiving.

      in . . . wilderness . . . waters— (Isa 41:18).

     7. parched ground—rather, "the mirage (Hebrew, Sharab, 'the sun's heat') shall become a (real) lake." The sun's rays refracted on the glowing sands at midday give the appearance of a lake of water and often deceive the thirsty traveller (compare Jer 2:13; Isa 41:18).

      dragons—rather, "jackals."

      each—namely, jackal.

      grass—rather, "a dwelling or receptacle (answering to the previous habitation) for reeds," &c. (which only grow where there is water, Job 8:11). Where once there was no water, water shall abound.

Isaiah 41:18

     18. Alluding to the waters with which Israel was miraculously supplied in the desert after having come out of Egypt.

      high places—bare of trees, barren, and unwatered (Jer 4:11; 14:6). "High places . . . valleys" spiritually express that in all circumstances, whether elevated or depressed, God's people will have refreshment for their souls, however little to be expected it might seem.

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