Isaiah 40:10

     10. with strong hand—or, "against the strong"; rather, "as a strong one" [MAURER]. Or, against the strong one, namely, Satan (Mt 12:29; Re 20:2, 3, 10) [VITRINGA].

      arm—power (Ps 89:13; 98:1).

      for him—that is, He needs not to seek help for Himself from any external source, but by His own inherent power He gains rule for Himself (so Isa 40:14).

      work—or, "recompense for his work"; rather, "recompense which He gives for work" (Isa 62:11; Re 22:12).

Isaiah 51:5

     5. righteousness . . . near—that is, faithful fulfilment of the promised deliverance, answering to "salvation" in the parallel clause (Isa 46:13; 56:1; Ro 10:8, 9). Ye follow after "righteousness"; seek it therefore, from Me, and you will not have far to go for it (Isa 51:1).

      arms—put for Himself; I by My might.

      judge— (Isa 2:3, 4; Ps 98:9).

      isles, &c.— (Isa 60:9).

      arm— (Ro 1:16), "the power of God unto (the Gentiles as well as the Jews) salvation."

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