Isaiah 42:13-14

     13-16. Jehovah will no longer restrain His wrath: He will go forth as a mighty warrior (Ex 15:3) to destroy His people's and His enemies, and to deliver Israel (compare Ps 45:3).

      stir up jealousy—rouse His indignation.

      roar—image from the battle cry of a warrior.

     14. long time—namely, during the desolation of Israel (Isa 32:14).

      holden my peace—(Compare Ps 50:21; Hab 1:2).

      cry like a travailing woman, &c.—Like a woman in parturition, who, after having restrained her breathing for a time, at last, overcome with labor pain, lets out her voice with a panting sigh; so Jehovah will give full vent to His long pent-up wrath. Translate, instead of "destroy . . . devour"; I will at once breathe hard and pant, namely, giving loose to My wrath.

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