Isaiah 43:5-6

     5. (De 30:3).

      seed—descendants scattered in all lands. VITRINGA understands it of the spiritual "seed" of the Church produced by mystical regeneration: for the expression is, "bring," not "bring back." This sense is perhaps included, but not to the exclusion of the literal Israel's restoration (Jer 30:10, 11; Am 9:9; Zec 2:6-13).

     6. Give up—namely, My people.

      sons . . . daughters—The feminine joined to the masculine expresses the complete totality of anything (Zec 9:17).

Jeremiah 31:8

     8. north—Assyria, Media, &c. (see on Jer 3:12; Jer 3:18; 23:8).

      gather from . . . coasts of . . . earth— (Eze 20:34, 41; 34:13).

      blind . . . lame, &c.—Not even the most infirm and unfit persons for a journey shall be left behind, so universal shall be the restoration.

      a great company—or, they shall return "in a great company" [MAURER].

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