Isaiah 43:7

     7. called by my name—belong to Israel, whose people, as sons of God, bear the name of their Father (Isa 44:5; 48:1).

      for my glory— (Isa 43:21; Isa 29:23).

Isaiah 43:15

     15. creator of Israel— (Isa 43:1).

      your—proved to be specially yours by delivering you.

Isaiah 43:21

     21. This people—namely, The same as "My people, My chosen" (see Isa 43:1, 7; Ps 102:18).

      my praise—on account of the many and great benefits conferred on them, especially their restoration.

Isaiah 44:2

     2. (Isa 43:1, 7).

      formed . . . from . . . womb—(So Isa 44:24; Isa 49:1, 5). The sense is similar to that in Isa 1:2, "I have nourished and brought up children."

      Jesurun—A diminutive term of endearment applied to Israel. The full title of affection was Israelun; contracted it became Jeshurun, with an allusion to the Hebrew root, jashar, "upright," "perfect" (see on Isa 42:19, note on "He that is perfect") [GESENIUS], (De 32:15).

Isaiah 44:21

     21. Remember—"Be not like the idolaters who consider not in their heart" (Isa 44:19).

      these—things just said as to the folly of idol-worship.

      my servant—not like the idolaters, slaves to the stock of a tree (Isa 44:19). See Isa 44:1, 2.

      thou . . . not . . . forgotten of me—Therefore thou oughtest to "remember" Me.

Isaiah 44:24

     24-28. Confirmation of His promises to the Church and Israel, by various instances of His omnipotence; among these the restoration of the Jews by Cyrus.

      alone—literally, "Who was with Me?" namely, when I did it; answering to "by Myself," in the parallel clause (compare similar phrases, Ho 8:4; Joh 5:30) [MAURER].

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