Isaiah 48:1

     1. the waters of Judah—spring from the fountain of Judah (Nu 24:7; De 33:28; Ps 68:26; Margin). Judah has the "fountain" attributed to it, because it survived the ten tribes, and from it Messiah was to spring.

      swear by . . . Lord— (Isa 19:18; 45:23; 65:16).

      mention—in prayers and praises.

      not in truth— (Jer 5:2; Joh 4:24).

Isaiah 48:12-15

     12-15. The Almighty, who has founded heaven and earth, can, and will, restore His people.

      the first . . . last— (Isa 41:4; 44:6).

     13. spanned—measured out (Isa 40:12).

      when I call . . . stand up together— (Isa 40:26; Jer 33:25). But it is not their creation so much which is meant, as that, like ministers of God, the heavens and the earth are prepared at His command to execute His decrees (Ps 119:91) [ROSENMULLER].

     14. among them—among the gods and astrologers of the Chaldees (Isa 41:22; 43:9; 44:7).

      Lord . . . loved him; he will, &c.—that is, "He whom the Lord hath loved will do," &c. [LOWTH]; namely, Cyrus (Isa 44:28; 45:1, 13; 46:11). However, Jehovah's language of love is too strong to apply to Cyrus, except as type of Messiah, to whom alone it fully applies (Re 5:2-5).

      his pleasure—not Cyrus' own, but Jehovah's.

     15. brought—led him on his way.

      he—change from the first to the third person [BARNES]. Jehovah shall make his (Cyrus') way prosperous.

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