Isaiah 9:20

     20. hungry—not literally. Image from unappeasable hunger, to picture internal factions, reckless of the most tender ties (Isa 9:19), and insatiably spreading misery and death on every side (Jer 19:9).

      eat—not literally, but destroy (Ps 27:2; Job 19:22).

      flesh of . . . arm—those nearest akin: their former support (helper) (Isa 32:2) [MAURER].

Isaiah 49:26

     26. feed . . . own flesh—a phrase for internal strifes (Isa 9:20).

      own blood—a just retribution for their having shed the blood of God's servants (Re 16:6).

      sweet wine—that is, must, or new wine, the pure juice which flows from the heap of grapes before they are pressed; the ancients could preserve it for a long time, so as to retain its flavor. It was so mild that it required a large quantity to intoxicate; thus the idea here is that very much blood would be shed (Re 14:10, 20).

      all flesh shall, &c.—the effect on the world of God's judgments (Isa 66:15, 16, 18, 19; Re 15:3, 4).

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