Jeremiah 2:15

     15. lions—the Babylonian princes (Jer 4:7; compare Am 3:4). The disaster from the Babylonians in the fourth year of Jehoiakim's reign, and again three years later when, relying on Egypt, he revolted from Nebuchadnezzar, is here referred to (Jer 46:2; 2Ki 24:1, 2).

Jeremiah 4:7

     7. lion—Nebuchadnezzar and the Chaldeans (Jer 2:15; 5:6; Da 7:14).

      his thicket—lair; Babylon.

      destroyer of the Gentiles—rather, "the nations" (Jer 25:9).

Jeremiah 5:6

     6. lion . . . wolf . . . leopard—the strongest, the most ravenous, and the swiftest, respectively, of beasts: illustrating the formidable character of the Babylonians.

      of the evenings—Others not so well translate, of the deserts. The plural means that it goes forth every evening to seek its prey (Ps 104:20; Hab 1:8; Zep 3:3).

      leopard . . . watch . . . cities— (Ho 13:7). It shall lie in wait about their cities.

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