Jeremiah 7:30-34

     30. set their abominations in the house— (Jer 32:34; 2Ki 21:4, 7; 23:4; Eze 8:5-14).

     31. high places of Tophet—the altars [HORSLEY] of Tophet; erected to Moloch, on the heights along the south of the valley facing Zion.

      burn . . . sons— (Ps 106:38).

      commanded . . . not—put for, "I forbade expressly" (De 17:3; 12:31). See on Jer 2:23; Isa 30:33.

     32. valley of slaughter—so named because of the great slaughter of the Jews about to take place at Jerusalem: a just retribution of their sin in slaying their children to Moloch in Tophet.

      no place—no room, namely, to bury in, so many shall be those slain by the Chaldeans (Jer 19:11; Eze 6:5).

     33. frayscare or frighten (De 28:26). Typical of the last great battle between the Lord's host and the apostasy (Re 19:17, 18, 21).

     34. Referring to the joyous songs and music with which the bride and bridegroom were escorted in the procession to the home of the latter from that of the former; a custom still prevalent in the East (Jer 16:9; Isa 24:7, 8; Re 18:23).

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