Jeremiah 8:6-7

     6. spake not aright—that is, not so as penitently to confess that they acted wrong. Compare what follows.

      every one . . . his course—The Keri reads "course," but the Chetib, "courses." "They persevere in the courses whatever they have once entered on." Their wicked ways were diversified.

      horse rusheth—literally, "pours himself forth," as water that has burst its embankment. The mad rapidity of the war horse is the point of comparison (Job 39:19-25).

     7. The instinct of the migratory birds leads them with unfailing regularity to return every spring from their winter abodes in summer climes (So 2:12); but God's people will not return to Him even when the winter of His wrath is past, and He invites them back to the spring of His favor.

      in the heaven—emphatical. The birds whose very element is the air, in which they are never at rest, yet show a steady sagacity, which God's people do not.

      times—namely, of migrating, and of returning.

      my people—This honorable title aggravates the unnatural perversity of the Jews towards their God.

      know not, &c.— (Jer 5:4, 5; Isa 1:3).

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