Jeremiah 9:24

     24. Nothing but an experimental knowledge of God will save the nation.

      understandeththeoretically; in the intellect.

      knowethpractically: so as to walk in My ways (Jer 22:16; Job 22:21; 1Co 1:31).

      loving kindness—God's mercy is put in the first and highest place, because without it we should flee from God in fear and despair.

      judgment . . . righteousnessloving-kindness towards the godly; judgment towards the ungodly; righteousness the most perfect fairness in all cases [GROTIUS]. Faithfulness to His promises to preserve the godly, as well as stern execution of judgment on the ungodly, is included in "righteousness."

      in the earth—contrary to the dogma of some philosophers, that God does not interfere in terrestrial concerns (Ps 58:11).

      in these . . . I delight—as well in doing them as in seeing them done by others (Mic 6:8; 7:18).

1 Corinthians 1:31

     31. glory in . . . Lord— (Jer 9:23, 24) —in opposition to "flesh glorying in His presence" (1Co 1:29). In contrast to morbid slavish self-abasement, Paul joins with humility the elevating consciousness of our true dignity in Christ. He who glories is to glory in the Lord, not in the flesh, nor in the world.

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