Job 20:6-7

     6. (Isa 14:13; Ob 3, 4).

     7. dung—in contrast to the haughtiness of the sinner (Job 20:6); this strong term expresses disgust and the lowest degradation (Ps 83:10; 1Ki 14:10).

Jeremiah 51:53

     53. We are not to measure God's power by what seems to our perceptions natural or probable. Compare Ob 4 as to Edom (Am 9:2).

Obadiah 4

     4. exalt thyself —or supply from the second clause, "thy nest" [MAURER] (Compare Job 20:6; Jer 49:16; Am 9:2).

      set . . . nest among . . . stars—namely, on the loftiest hills which seem to reach the very stars. Edom is a type of Antichrist (Isa 14:13; Da 8:10; 11:37).

      thence will I bring thee down—in spite of thy boast (Ob 3), "Who shall bring me down?"

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