Job 38:13

     13. take hold of the ends, &c.—spread itself over the earth to its utmost bounds in a moment.

      wicked—who hate the light, and do their evil works in the dark (Job 24:13).

      shaken out of it—The corners (Hebrew, "wings" or "skirts") of it, as of a garment, are taken hold of by the dayspring, so as to shake off the wicked.

Isaiah 11:12

     12. In the first restoration Judah alone was restored, with perhaps some few of Israel (the ten tribes): in the future restoration both are expressly specified (Eze 37:16-19; Jer 3:18). To Israel are ascribed the "outcasts" (masculine); to Judah the "dispersed" (feminine), as the former have been longer and more utterly castaways (though not finally) than the latter (Joh 7:52). The masculine and feminine conjoined express the universality of the restoration.

      from the four corners of the earthHebrew, "wings of the earth."

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