Joel 3:1

     1. bring again the captivity—that is, reverse it. The Jews restrict this to the return from Babylon. Christians refer it to the coming of Christ. But the prophet comprises the whole redemption, beginning from the return out of Babylon, then continued from the first advent of Christ down to the last day (His second advent), when God will restore His Church to perfect felicity [CALVIN].

Joel 3:3

     3. cast lots for my people—that is, divided among themselves My people as their captives by lot. Compare as to the distribution of captives by lot (Ob 11; Na 3:10).

      given a boy for . . . harlot—Instead of paying a harlot for her prostitution in money, they gave her a Jewish captive boy as a slave.

      girl for wine—So valueless did they regard a Jewish girl that they would sell her for a draught of wine.

Joel 3:6

     6. Grecians—literally, "Javanites," that is, the Ionians, a Greek colony on the coast of Asia Minor who were the first Greeks known to the Jews. The Greeks themselves, however, in their original descent came from Javan (Ge 10:2, 4). Probably the germ of Greek civilization in part came through the Jewish slaves imported into Greece from Ph nicia by traffickers. Eze 27:13 mentions Javan and Tyre as trading in the persons of men.

      far from their border—far from Judea; so that the captive Jews were cut off from all hope of return.

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