John 2:17

     17. eaten me up—a glorious feature in the predicted character of the suffering Messiah (Ps 69:9), and rising high even in some not worthy to loose the latchet of His shoes. (Ex 32:19, &c.).

Acts 1:20

     20. his bishopric—or "charge." The words are a combination of Ps 69:25 and Ps 109:8; in which the apostle discerns a greater than David, and a worse than Ahithophel and his fellow conspirators against David.

Romans 11:9-10

     9. And David saith— (Ps 69:23), which in such a Messianic psalm must be meant of the rejecters of Christ.

      Let their table, &c.—that is, Let their very blessings prove a curse to them, and their enjoyments only sting and take vengeance on them.

     10. Let their eyes be darkened . . . and bow down their back alway—expressive either of the decrepitude, or of the servile condition, to come on the nation through the just judgment of God. The apostle's object in making these quotations is to show that what he had been compelled to say of the then condition and prospects of his nation was more than borne out by their own Scriptures. But, SECONDLY, God has not cast away His people finally. The illustration of this point extends, Ro 11:11-31.

Romans 15:3

     3. For even Christ pleased not—lived not to please

      himself; but, as it is written— (Ps 69:9).

      The reproaches, &c.—see Mr 10:42-45.

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