Luke 8:15

1 Corinthians 11:2

     2. Here the chapter ought to begin.

      ye remember me in all things—in your general practice, though in the particular instances which follow ye fail.

      ordinancesGreek, "traditions," that is, apostolic directions given by word of mouth or in writing (1Co 11:23; 15:3; 2Th 2:15). The reference here is mainly to ceremonies: for in 1Co 11:23, as to the LORD'S SUPPER, which is not a mere ceremony, he says, not merely, "I delivered unto you," but also, "I received of the Lord"; here he says only, "I delivered to you." Romanists argue hence for oral traditions. But the difficulty is to know what is a genuine apostolic tradition intended for all ages. Any that can be proved to be such ought to be observed; any that cannot, ought to be rejected (Re 22:18). Those preserved in the written word alone can be proved to be such.

Hebrews 2:1

     1. Therefore—Because Christ the Mediator of the new covenant is so far (Heb 1:5-14) above all angels, the mediators of the old covenant.

      the more earnestGreek, "the more abundantly."

      heard—spoken by God (Heb 1:1); and by the Lord (Heb 2:3).

      let them slip—literally "flow past them" (Heb 4:1).

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