Mark 14:63-64

     63. Then the high priest rent his clothes—On this expression of horror of blasphemy, see 2Ki 18:37.

      and saith, What need we any further witnesses? (Also see on Joh 18:28.)

     64. Ye have heard the blasphemy—(See Joh 10:33). In Luke (Lu 22:71), "For we ourselves have heard of His own mouth"—an affectation of religious horror. (Also see on Joh 18:28.)

      what think ye?—"Say what the verdict is to be."

      they all condemned him to be guilty of death—or of a capital crime, which blasphemy against God was according to the Jewish law (Le 24:16). Yet not absolutely all; for Joseph of Arimathea, "a good man and a just," was one of that Council, and "he was not a consenting party to the counsel and deed of them," for that is the strict sense of the words of Lu 23:50, 51. Probably he absented himself, and Nicodemus also, from this meeting of the Council, the temper of which they would know too well to expect their voice to be listened to; and in that case, the words of our Evangelist are to be taken strictly, that, without one dissentient voice, "all [present] condemned him to be guilty of death."

     The Blessed One Is Now Shamefully Entreated (Mr 14:65).

     Every word here must be carefully observed, and the several accounts put together, that we may lose none of the awful indignities about to be described.

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