Matthew 20:29-34

Luke 18:35-43

     38. son of David, &c.—(See on Mt 12:23).

     39. rebuked, &c.—(See on Lu 18:15).

      so much the more—that importunity so commended in the Syrophenician woman, and so often enjoined (Lu 11:5-13; 18:1-8).

     40. commanded, &c.—Mark (Mr 10:49) has this interesting addition: "And they call the blind man, saying unto him, Be of good comfort, rise, He calleth thee"—just as one earnestly desiring an interview with some exalted person, but told by one official after another that it is vain to wait, as he will not succeed (they know it), yet persists in waiting for some answer to his suit, and at length the door opens, and a servant appears, saying, "You will be admitted—he has called you." And are there no other suitors to Jesus who sometimes fare thus? "And he, casting away his garment"—how lively is this touch, evidently of an eye-witness, expressive of his earnestness and joy—"came to Jesus" (Mr 10:49, 50).

     41-43. What wilt thou, &c.—to try them; to deepen their present consciousness of need; and to draw out their faith in Him. Lord "Rabboni" (Mr 10:51); an emphatic and confiding exclamation. (See on Joh 20:16.)

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