Numbers 20:12

     12. The Lord spake unto Moses and Aaron, Because ye believed me not, &c.—The act of Moses in smiting twice betrayed a doubt, not of the power, but of the will of God to gratify such a rebellious people, and his exclamation seems to have emanated from a spirit of incredulity akin to Sarai's (Ge 18:13). These circumstances indicate the influence of unbelief, and there might have been others unrecorded which led to so severe a chastisement.

Job 35:14

     14. Although thou sayest thou shalt not see him—(as a temporal deliverer; for he did look for a Redeemer after death, Job 19:25-27; which passage cannot consistently with Elihu's assertion here be interpreted of "seeing" a temporal "redeemer"), Job 7:7; 9:11; 23:3, 8, 9; yet, judgment . . . ; therefore trust . . . But the Hebrew favors MAURER, "How much less (will God . . . regard, Job 35:13), since thou sayest, that He does not regard thee." So in Job 4:19. Thus Elihu alludes to Job's words (Job 19:7; 30:20).

      judgment—that is, thy cause, thy right; as in Ps 9:16; Pr 31:5, 8.

      trust—rather, "wait thou" on Him, patiently, until He take up thy cause (Ps 37:7).

Micah 7:9

     9. bear—patiently.

      the indignation of the Lord—His punishment inflicted on me (La 3:39). The true penitent "accepts the punishment of his iniquity" (Le 26:41, 43); they who murmur against God, do not yet know their guilt (Job 40:4, 5).

      execute judgment for me—against my foe. God's people plead guilty before God; but, in respect to their human foes, they are innocent and undeserving of their foes' injuries.

      bring me forth to the light—to the temporal and spiritual redemption.

      I shall behold his righteousness—His gracious faithfulness to His promises (Ps 103:17).

Zephaniah 3:2

     2. received not correction—Jerusalem is incurable, obstinately rejecting salutary admonition, and refusing to be reformed by "correction" (Jer 5:3).

      trusted not in . . . Lord—Distrust in the Lord as if He were insufficient, is the parent of all superstitions and wickednesses [CALVIN].

      drew not near to her God—Though God was specially near to her (De 4:7) as "her God," yet she drew not near to Him, but gratuitously estranged herself from Him.

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