Proverbs 11:1

     1. (Compare Margin). The Hebrews used stones for weights.

      just—complete in measure.

Amos 8:5

     5. So greedy are they of unjust gain that they cannot spare a single day, however sacred, from pursuing it. They are strangers to God and enemies to themselves, who love market days better than sabbath days; and they who have lost piety will not long keep honesty. The new moons (Nu 10:10) and sabbaths were to be kept without working or trading (Ne 10:31).

      set forth wheat—literally, "open out" stores of wheat for sale.

      ephah—containing three seahs, or above three pecks.

      making . . . small—making it below the just weight to purchasers.

      shekel great—taking from purchasers a greater weight of money than was due. Shekels used to be weighed out in payments (Ge 23:16). Thus they committed a double fraud against the law (De 25:13, 14).

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