Proverbs 25:14

     14. clouds—literally, "vapors" (Jer 10:13), clouds only in appearance.

      a false gift—promised, but not given.

Jude 12

     12. I would not write—A heart full of love pours itself out more freely face to face, than by letter.

      paper—made of Egyptian papyrus. Pens were then reeds split.

      ink—made of soot and water, thickened with gum. Parchment was used for the permanent manuscripts in which the Epistles were preserved. Writing tablets were used merely for temporary purposes, as our slates.

      face to face—literally, "mouth to mouth."

      fullGreek, "filled full." Your joy will be complete in hearing from me in person the joyful Gospel truths which I now defer communicating till I see you. On other occasions his writing the glad truths was for the same purpose.

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