Proverbs 3:8

     8. It—This conduct.

      health—(Compare Margin).

      to thy navel—for all the organs of nourishment.

      marrow—(Compare Margin).

      bones—frame of body. True piety promotes bodily health.

Proverbs 15:30

     30. light of the eyes— (Pr 13:9). What gives light rejoiceth the heart, by relieving from anxiety as to our course; so

      good report—or, "doctrine" (Isa 28:9; 53:1),

      maketh . . . fat—or, "gives prosperity" (Pr 3:13-17; 9:11). The last clause is illustrated by the first.

Ezekiel 37:1

     1. carried . . . in the spirit—The matters transacted, therefore, were not literal, but in vision.

      the valley—probably that by the Chebar (Eze 3:22). The valley represents Mesopotamia, the scene of Israel's sojourn in her state of national deadness.

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