Proverbs 3:9-10

     9, 10. (Compare Pr 11:25; Ex 23:19; De 18:4; Isa 32:8; 2Co 9:13).

     10. presses—or wine fats (Joe 2:24; 3:13).

Malachi 3:10

     10. (Pr 3:9, 10).

      storehouse— (2Ch 31:11, Margin; compare 1Ch 26:20; Ne 10:38; 13:5, 12).

      prove me . . . herewith—with this; by doing so. Test Me whether I will keep My promise of blessing you, on condition of your doing your part (2Ch 31:10).

      pour . . . out—literally, "empty out": image from a vessel completely emptied of its contents: no blessing being kept back.

      windows of heaven— (2Ki 2:7).

      that . . . not . . . room enough, &c.—literally, "even to not . . . sufficiency," that is, either, as English Version. Or, even so as that there should be "not merely" "sufficiency" but superabundance [JEROME, MAURER]. GESENIUS not so well translates, "Even to a failure of sufficiency," which in the case of God could never arise, and therefore means for ever, perpetually: so Ps 72:5, "as long as the sun and moon endure"; literally, "until a failure of the sun and moon," which is never to be; and therefore means, for ever.

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