Psalms 1:3

     3. like a tree— (Jer 17:7, 8).

      planted—settled, fast.

      by—or, "over."

      the rivers—canals for irrigation.

      shall prosper—literally, "make prosper," brings to perfection. The basis of this condition and character is given (Ps 32:1).

Jeremiah 11:16

     16. called thy name—made thee.

      olive— (Ps 52:8; Ro 11:17). The "olive" is chosen to represent the adoption of Judah by the free grace of God, as its oil is the image of richness (compare Ps 23:5; 104:15).

      with . . . noise of . . . tumult—or, "at the noise," &c., namely, at the tumult of the invading army (Isa 13:4) [MAURER]. Or, rather, "with the sound of a mighty voice," namely, that of God, that is, the thunder; thus there is no confusion of metaphors. The tree stricken with lightning has "fire kindled upon it, and the branches are broken," at one and the same time [HOUBIGANT].

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