Psalms 102:13

     13, 14. Hence it is here adduced.

      for—or, "when."

      the set time, &c.—the time promised, the indication of which is the interest felt for Zion by the people of God.

Psalms 102:15-16

     15-17. God's favor to the Church will affect her persecutors with fear.

     16. When the Lord shall build—or better, "Because the Lord hath built," &c., as a reason for the effect on others; for in thus acting and hearing the humble, He is most glorious.

Psalms 102:21-22

     21. To declare, &c.—or, that God's name may be celebrated in the assemblies of His Church, gathered from all nations (Zec 8:20-23), and devoted to His service.

     19-22. For—or, "That," as introducing the statement of God's condescension. A summary of what shall be written.

      to loose . . . appointed—or, "deliver" them (Ps 79:11).

Romans 11:12

     12. Now if the fall of them—"But if their trespass," or "false step"

      be the riches of the—Gentile

      world—as being the occasion of their accession to Christ.

      and the diminishing of them—that is, the reduction of the true Israel to so small a remnant.

      the riches of the Gentiles; how much more their fulness!—that is, their full recovery (see on Ro 11:26); that is, "If an event so untoward as Israel's fall was the occasion of such unspeakable good to the Gentile world, of how much greater good may we expect an event so blessed as their full recovery to be productive?"

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