Psalms 103:16

     15, 16. So short and frail is life that a breath may destroy it.

      it is gone—literally, "it is not."

      know it no more—no more recognize him (Ps 90:6; Isa 40:6-8).

Isaiah 40:7

     7. spirit of the Lord—rather, "wind of Jehovah" (Ps 103:16). The withering east wind of those countries sent by Jehovah (Jon 4:8).

      the people—rather, "this people" [LOWTH], which may refer to the Babylonians [ROSENMULLER]; but better, mankind in general, as in Isa 42:5, so Isa 40:6, "all flesh"; this whole race, that is, man.

Jeremiah 4:11-12

     11. dry wind—the simoom, terrific and destructive, blowing from the southeast across the sandy deserts east of Palestine. Image of the invading Babylonian army (Ho 13:15). Babylon in its turn shall be visited by a similar "destroying wind" (Jer 51:1).

      of . . . high places—that is, that sweeps over the high places.

      daughter—that is, the children of my people.

      not to fan—a very different wind from those ordinary winds employed for fanning the grain in the open air.

     12. full . . . from those places—rather, "a wind fuller (that is, more impetuous) than those winds" (which fan the corn) (Jer 4:11) [ROSENMULLER].

      unto me—"for Me," as My instrument for executing My purpose.

      sentencejudgments against them (Jer 1:16).

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