Psalms 104:2

     2. light—is a figurative representation of the glory of the invisible God (Mt 17:2; 1Ti 6:16). Its use in this connection may refer to the first work of creation (Ge 1:3).

      stretchest out the heavens—the visible heavens or sky which cover the earth as a curtain (Isa 40:12).

Jeremiah 4:20

     20. Destruction . . . cried—Breach upon breach is announced (Ps 42:7; Eze 7:26). The war "trumpet" . . . the battle shout . . . the "destructions" . . . the havoc throughout "the whole land" . . . the spoiling of the shepherds' "tents" (Jer 10:20; or, "tents" means cities, which should be overthrown as easily as tents [CALVIN]), form a gradation.

Jeremiah 10:20

     20. tabernacle is spoiled—metaphor from the tents of nomadic life; as these are taken down in a few moments, so as not to leave a vestige of them, so Judea (Jer 4:20).

      cords—with which the coverings of the tent are extended.


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