Psalms 116:12-14

     12-14. These are modes of expressing acts of worship (compare Ps 116:4; Ps 50:14; Jon 2:9).

     13. the cup of salvation—the drink offering which was part of the thank offering (Nu 15:3-5).

     14. now—(compare Ps 115:2). "Oh, that (I may do it)" in the presence, &c.

Psalms 116:17-19

     17-19. An ampler declaration of his purpose, designating the place, the Lord's house, or earthly residence in Jerusalem.

Isaiah 38:20

     20. was ready—not in the Hebrew; "Jehovah was for my salvation," that is, saved me (compare Isa 12:2).

      we—I and my people.

      in the house of the Lord—This song was designed, as many of the other Psalms, as a form to be used in public worship at stated times, perhaps on every anniversary of his recovery; hence "all the days of our life."

      lump of figs—a round cake of figs pressed into a mass (1Sa 25:18). God works by means; the meanest of which He can make effectual.

      boil—inflamed ulcer, produced by the plague.

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