Psalms 119:53

     53. Horror—rather, "vehement wrath" [HENGSTENBERG].

Psalms 119:136

     136. Zealous himself to keep God's law, he is deeply afflicted when others violate it (compare Ps 119:53). Literally, "Mine eyes come down (dissolved) like water brooks" (La 3:48; Jer 9:1).

      because, &c.—(Compare Eze 9:4; Jer 13:17).

TZADDI. (Ps 119:137-144).

Jeremiah 13:17

     17. hear it—my exhortation.

      in secret—as one mourning and humbling himself for their sin, not self-righteously condemning them (Php 3:18).

      pride—(see on Jer 13:15; Job 33:17).

      flock— (Jer 13:20), just as kings and leaders are called pastors.

2 Corinthians 12:21

     21. my Godhis God, however trying the humiliation that was in store for him.

      will humble me—The indicative implies that the supposition will actually be so. The faithful pastor is "humbled" at, and "bewails" the falls of his people, as though they were his own.

      sinned already—before my last coming [BENGEL], that is, before the second visit which he paid, and in which he had much at Corinth to rebuke.

      have not repented—shall not have repented [ALFORD].

      uncleanness—for example, of married persons (1Th 4:7).

      fornication—among the unmarried.

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