Psalms 119:98-100

     98-100. of knowledge, both of the matter of all useful, moral truth, and an experience of its application.

      wiser than mine enemies—with all their carnal cunning (De 4:6, 8).

      they are ever with me—The Hebrew is, rather singular, "it is ever with me"; the commandments forming ONE complete whole, Thy law.

     99. understanding—is practical skill (Ps 2:10; 32:8).

     100. more than the ancients—Antiquity is no help against stupidity, where it does not accord with God's word [LUTHER] (Job 32:7-9). The Bible is the key of all knowledge, the history of the world, past, present, and to come (Ps 111:10). He who does the will of God shall know of the doctrine (Joh 7:17).

Proverbs 1:7

     7. The fear of the Lord—the principle of true piety (compare Pr 2:5; 14:26, 27; Job 28:28; Ps 34:11; 111:10; Ac 9:31).

      beginning—first part, foundation.

      fools—the stupid and indifferent to God's character and government; hence the wicked.

Proverbs 9:10

     10. (Compare Pr 1:7).

      of the holy—literally, "holies," persons or things, or both. This knowledge gives right perception.

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