Psalms 14:4

     4-6. Their conduct evinces indifference rather than ignorance of God; for when He appears in judgment, they are stricken with great fear.

      who eat up my people—to express their beastly fury (Pr 30:14; Hab 3:14). To "call on the Lord" is to worship Him.

Psalms 52:2

     2. tongue—for self.

      mischiefs—evil to others (Ps 5:9; 38:12).

      working deceitfully— (Ps 10:7), as a keen, smoothly moving razor, cutting quietly, but deeply.

Proverbs 30:14

     11-14. Four kinds of hateful persons—(1) graceless children, (2) hypocrites, (3) the proud, (4) cruel oppressors (compare on Pr 30:14; Ps 14:4; 52:2) —are now illustrated; (1) Pr 30:15, 16, the insatiability of prodigal children and their fate; (2) Pr 30:17, hypocrisy, or the concealment of real character; (3 and 4) Pr 30:18-20, various examples of pride and oppression.

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