Psalms 15:4

     4. Love and hate are regulated by a regard to God.

      sweareth . . . hurt—or what so results (compare Le 5:4).

Psalms 43:2

     2. God of my strength—by covenant relation my stronghold (Ps 18:1).

      cast me off—in scorn.

      because—or, "in," that is, in such circumstances of oppression.

Psalms 44:9

     9. But—contrasting, cast off as abhorrent (Ps 43:2).

      goest not forth—literally, "will not go" (2Sa 5:23). In several consecutive verses the leading verb is future, and the following one past (in Hebrew), thus denoting the causes and effects. Thus (Ps 44:10-12), when defeated, spoiling follows; when delivered as sheep, dispersion follows, &c.

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