Psalms 36:8

     8. fatness—richness.

      thy house—residence—for the privileges and blessings of communion with God (Ps 23:6; 27:4).

      river of thy pleasures—plenteous supply; may allude to Eden.

Zechariah 14:8

     8. living waters— (Eze 47:1; Joe 3:18).

      former sea—that is, the front, or east, which Orientalists face in taking the points of the compass; the Dead Sea.

      hinder sea—the west or Mediterranean.

      summer . . . winter—neither dried up by heat, nor frozen by cold; ever flowing.

Revelation of John 22:1

     1. pure—A, B, Vulgate, and HILARY 22, omit.

      water of life—infinitely superior to the typical waters in the first Paradise (Ge 2:10-14); and even superior to those figurative ones in the millennial Jerusalem (Eze 47:1, 12; Zec 14:8), as the matured fruit is superior to the flower. The millennial waters represent full Gospel grace; these waters of new Jerusalem represent Gospel glory perfected. Their continuous flow from God, the Fountain of life, symbolizes the uninterrupted continuance of life derived by the saints, ever fresh, from Him: life in fulness of joy, as well as perpetual vitality. Like pure crystal, it is free from every taint: compare Re 4:6, "before the throne a sea of glass, like crystal."

      clearGreek, "bright."

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