Psalms 83:4

     4. from being a nation—utter destruction (Isa 7:8; 23:1).

      Israel—here used for Judah, having been the common name.

Psalms 83:12

     12. The language of the invaders.

      houses—literally, "residences," enclosures, as for flocks (Ps 65:12).

      of God—as the proprietors of the land (2Ch 20:11; Isa 14:25).

Ezekiel 36:5

     5. to cast it out for a prey—that is, to take the land for a prey, its inhabitants being cast out. Or the land is compared to a prey cast forth to wild beasts. FAIRBAIRN needlessly alters the Hebrew pointing and translates, "that they may plunder its pasturage."

Obadiah 13

     13. substance—translated "forces" in Ob 11.

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