Psalms 84:2

     2. longeth—most intensely (Ge 31:30; Ps 17:12).

      fainteth—exhausted with desire.

      courts—as tabernacles (Ps 84:1) —the whole building.

      crieth out—literally, "sings for joy"; but here, and La 2:19, expresses an act of sorrow as the corresponding noun (Ps 17:1; 61:2).

      heart and . . . flesh—as in Ps 63:1.

Psalms 92:13

     12-14. The vigorous growth, longevity, utility, fragrance, and beauty of these noble trees, set forth the life, character, and destiny of the pious;

Isaiah 66:23

     23. Literally, "As often as the new moon (shall be) in its own new moon," that is, every month (Zec 14:16).

      sabbath—which is therefore perpetually obligatory on earth.

      all flesh— (Ps 65:2; 72:11).

      before me—at Jerusalem (Jer 3:16, 17).

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