Psalms 90:1-7

     1. dwelling-place—home (compare Eze 11:16), as a refuge (De 33:27).

     2. brought forth [and] formed—both express the idea of production by birth.

     3. to destruction—literally, "even to dust" (Ge 3:19), which is partly quoted in the last clause.

     4. Even were our days now a thousand years, as Adam's, our life would be but a moment in God's sight (2Pe 3:8).

      a watch—or, third part of a night (compare Ex 14:24).

     5, 6. Life is like grass, which, though changing under the influence of the night's dew, and flourishing in the morning, is soon cut down and withereth (Ps 103:15; 1Pe 1:24).

     7, 8. For—A reason, this is the infliction of God's wrath.

      troubled—literally, "confounded by terror" (Ps 2:5). Death is by sin (Ro 5:12). Though "secret," the light of God's countenance, as a candle, will bring sin to view (Pr 20:27; 1Co 4:5).

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