Psalms 99:6

     6-8. The experience of these servants of God is cited for encouragement.

      among . . . priests, among . . . upon the Lord [and] He spake . . . pillar—may be referred to all three (compare Ex 18:19; Le 8:15; De 5:5; 1Sa 9:13).

Jeremiah 14:2

     2. gatesThe place of public concourse in each city looks sad, as being no longer frequented (Isa 3:26; 24:4).

      black—that is, they mourn (blackness being indicative of sorrow), (Jer 8:21).

      unto the ground—bowing towards it.

      cry—of distress (1Sa 5:12; Isa 24:11).

Jeremiah 15:1

     1. Moses . . . Samuel—eminent in intercessions (Ex 32:11, 12; 1Sa 7:9; Ps 99:6).

      be toward—could not be favorably inclined toward them.

      out of my sight—God speaks as if the people were present before Him, along with Jeremiah.

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