Romans 12:16

     16. Be—"Being"

      of the same mind one toward another—The feeling of the common bond which binds all Christians to each other, whatever diversity of station, cultivation, temperament, or gifts may obtain among them, is the thing here enjoined. This is next taken up in detail.

      Mind not—"not minding"

      high things—that is, Cherish not ambitious or aspiring purposes and desires. As this springs from selfish severance of our own interests and objects from those of our brethren, so it is quite incompatible with the spirit inculcated in the preceding clause.

      but condescend—"condescending"

      to men of low estate—or (as some render the words), "inclining unto the things that be lowly." But we prefer the former.

      Be not wise in your own conceits—This is just the application of the caution against high-mindedness to the estimate we form of our own mental character.

Romans 12:19

     19-21. avenge not, &c.—(See on Ro 12:14).

      but rather give place unto wrath—This is usually taken to mean, "but give room or space for wrath to spend itself." But as the context shows that the injunction is to leave vengeance to God, "wrath" here seems to mean, not the offense, which we are tempted to avenge, but the avenging wrath of God (see 2Ch 24:18), which we are enjoined to await, or give room for. (So the best interpreters).

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