Romans 13:1-7

     1, 2. Let every soul—every man of you

      be subject unto the higher powers—or, "submit himself to the authorities that are above him."

      For there is no power—"no authority"

      but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God—"have been ordained of God."

     2. Whosoever therefore resisteth the power—"So that he that setteth himself against the authority."

      resisteth the ordinance of God; and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation—or, "condemnation," according to the old sense of that word; that is, not from the magistrate, but from God, whose authority in the magistrate's is resisted.

     3, 4. For rulers are not a terror to good works—"to the good work," as the true reading appears to be

      but to the evil.

     4. he beareth not the sword in vain—that is, the symbol of the magistrate's authority to punish.

     5. Wherefore ye must needs be subject, not only for wrath—for fear of the magistrate's vengeance.

      but also for conscience' sake—from reverence for God's authority. It is of Magistracy in general, considered as a divine ordinance, that this is spoken: and the statement applies equally to all forms of government, from an unchecked despotism—such as flourished when this was written, under the Emperor Nero—to a pure democracy. The inalienable right of all subjects to endeavor to alter or improve the form of government under which they live is left untouched here. But since Christians were constantly charged with turning the world upside down, and since there certainly were elements enough in Christianity of moral and social revolution to give plausibility to the charge, and tempt noble spirits, crushed under misgovernment, to take redress into their own hands, it was of special importance that the pacific, submissive, loyal spirit of those Christians who resided at the great seat of political power, should furnish a visible refutation of this charge.

     6, 7. For, for this cause pay ye—rather, "ye pay"

      tribute also—that is, "This is the reason why ye pay the contributions requisite for maintaining the civil government."

      for they are God's ministers, attending continually upon this very thing—"to this very thing."

     7. Render therefore to all their dues—From magistrates the apostle now comes to other officials, and from them to men related to us by whatever tie.

      tribute—land tax.

      custom—mercantile tax.

      fear—reverence for superiors.

      honour—the respect due to persons of distinction.

1 Peter 2:17

     17. Honour all menaccording to whatever honor is due in each case. Equals have a respect due to them. Christ has dignified our humanity by assuming it; therefore we should not dishonor, but be considerate to and honor our common humanity, even in the very humblest. The first "honor" is in the Greek aorist imperative, implying, "In every case render promptly every man's due" [ALFORD]. The second is in the present tense, implying, Habitually and continually honor the king. Thus the first is the general precept; the three following are its three great divisions.

      Love—present: Habitually love with the special and congenial affection that you ought to feel to brethren, besides the general love to all men.

      Fear God . . . the king—The king is to be honored; but God alone, in the highest sense, feared.

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