Romans 15:14-16

     14, 15. And, &c.—rather, "Now I am persuaded, my brethren, even I myself, concerning you"

      that ye also yourselves are full of goodness—of inclination to all I have been enjoining on you

      filled with all knowledge—of the truth expounded

      and able—without my intervention.

      to admonish one another.

     15. Nevertheless, I have written the more boldly unto you in some sort—"measure"

      as putting you in mind, because of the grace that is given to me of God—as an apostle of Jesus Christ.

     16. that I should be the—rather, "a"

      minister—The word here used is commonly employed to express the office of the priesthood, from which accordingly the figurative language of the rest of the verse is taken.

      of Jesus Christ—"Christ Jesus," according to the true reading.

      to the Gentiles—a further proof that the Epistle was addressed to a Gentile church. (See on Ro 1:13).

      ministering the gospel of God—As the word here is a still more priestly one, it should be rendered, "ministering as a priest in the Gospel of God."

      that the offering up of the Gentiles—as an oblation to God, in their converted character.

      might be acceptable, being sanctified by the Holy Ghost—the end to which the ancient offerings typically looked.

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