Romans 16:3-4

     3-5. Salute Priscilla—The true reading here is "Prisca" (as in 2Ti 4:19), a contracted form of Priscilla, as "Silas" of "Silvanus."

      and Aquila my helpers—The wife is here named before the husband (as in Ac 18:18, and Ro 16:26, according to the true reading; also in 2Ti 4:19), probably as being the more prominent and helpful to the Church.

     4. who have for my life laid down—"who did for my life lay down"

      their own necks—that is, risked their lives; either at Corinth (Ac 18:6, 9, 10), or more probably at Ephesus (Ac 19:30, 31; and compare 1Co 15:32). They must have returned from Ephesus (where we last find them in the history of the Acts) to Rome, whence the edict of Claudius had banished them (Ac 18:2); and doubtless, if not the principal members of that Christian community, they were at least the most endeared to our apostle.

      unto whom not only I give thanks, but also all the churches of the Gentiles—whose special apostle this dear couple had rescued from imminent danger.

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