Romans 6:16

     16. that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey—with the view of obeying him.

      his servants ye are to whom ye obey—to whom ye yield that obedience.

      whether of Sin unto death—that is, "issuing in death," in the awful sense of Ro 8:6, as the sinner's final condition.

      or of Obedience unto righteousness—that is, obedience resulting in a righteous character, as the enduring condition of the servant of new Obedience (1Jo 2:17; Joh 8:34; 2Pe 2:19; Mt 6:24).

Romans 6:19

     19. I speak after the manner of men—descending, for illustration, to the level of common affairs.

      because of the infirmity of your flesh—the weakness of your spiritual apprehension.

      for as ye have yielded—"as ye yielded," the thing being viewed as now past.

      your members servants to Uncleanness and to Iniquity unto—the practice of

      iniquity; even so now yield your members servants to Righteousness unto holiness—rather, "unto (the attainment of) sanctification," as the same word is rendered in 2Th 2:13; 1Co 1:30; 1Pe 1:2: —that is, "Looking back upon the heartiness with which ye served Sin, and the lengths ye went to be stimulated now to like zeal and like exuberance in the service of a better Master."

1 Corinthians 12:2

     2. (Eph 2:11).

      that ye were—The best manuscripts read, "That WHEN ye were"; thus "ye were" must be supplied before "carried away"—Ye were blindly transported hither and thither at the will of your false guides.

      these dumb idolsGreek, "the idols which are dumb"; contrasted with the living God who "speaks" in the believer by His Spirit (1Co 12:3, &c.). This gives the reason why the Corinthians needed instruction as to spiritual gifts, namely, their past heathen state, wherein they had no experience of intelligent spiritual powers. When blind, ye went to the dumb.

      as ye were led—The Greek is, rather, "as ye might (happen to) be led," namely, on different occasions. The heathen oracles led their votaries at random, without any definite principle.

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