Zechariah 11:16

     16. in the land—Antichrist will probably he a Jew, or at least one in Judea.

      not visit . . . neither . . . seek . . . heal . . . broken, nor feed . . . but . . . eat . . . flesh . . . tear—Compare similar language as to the unfaithful shepherds of Israel in Eze 34:2-4. This implies, they shall be paid in kind. Such a shepherd in the worst type shall "tear" them for a limited time.

      those . . . cut off—"those perishing" [Septuagint], that is, those sick unto death, as if already cut off.

      the young—The Hebrew is always used of human youths, who are really referred to under the image of the young of the flock. Ancient expositors [Chaldee Version, JEROME, &c.] translate, "the straying," "the dispersed"; so GESENIUS.

      broken—the wounded.

      standeth still—with faintness lagging behind.

      tear . . . claws—expressing cruel voracity; tearing off the very hoofs (compare Ex 10:26), giving them excruciating pain, and disabling them from going in quest of pasture.

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